If you would like to submit a testimonial, please do so here. Your personal information will be kept in confidence and your full name will not appear in public. 🙂

I first learned about Christie a few years ago, when I had shingles on my forehead that were starting to sprout up on my cheek. A friend told me not to go back to the doctor for more drugs but to try her heavenly heal cream first. It took 3 days for the new spots to basically disappear and I am hooked on her products ever since. Just a few examples of many things she’s been able to help me with is my daughter’s PCOS using Chaste Berry has a regular period now, and my son with a recurring staph inside of his nose, Hiker’s peak takes care of that. I am so fortunate to have a friend share this incredible resource with me. Christie, you are truly an amazing human.

Moohaney (my dog) had a lump on his shoulder it looked like a tumor or something..I put that pain be gone on it and it opened and drained within two days..that’s amazing stuff … moohaney thanks you.

Firstly, Christie’s customer service is outstanding. Both my orders arrived in two days flat and included a free gift. I have adored everything that I have received. The Venus Cream smells divine but I think I might enjoy the Summer of Love even more! The teas are delicious and all of the creams are fantastic – the scent, texture and skin soothing is exceptional. I have great admiration for Christie, she has been through hell and back and has come through it all victorious. She is a gifted herbalist and healer and her products do not disappoint.

I have ordered many different products here and never once have I been disappointed with the quality, the results, or the customer service. I’ve become a hoarder of all the yummy creams and oils – I don’t want to EVER run out! Every single product has been packaged with such obvious care and love! And to get it in 2 days?!? Above and beyond – ALWAYS. And thank you for the Peel Jam – Dayum fine! Is there anything you can’t do better than everyone else out there? Thank you so much!
SL, Tx

Can’t say enough about the heavenly heal all .
Pretty sure it was a spider bite a good quarter size spot came up on a boob .
I started putting this stuff on and three days it was healed . I do have a scar but none the less I’m sure it would have been lanced and lord only know what if I would have gone to the Dr. So I’m very pleased with the out come .
Not to mention . We have had a horrible hot dry summer . My lips we’re feeling the pain ! I now use this every night on them . My daughter in law got wasp stung it swelled up horrible I gave her some and it took the swelling away .
Problem solved !!! All different medical issues same medicine worked like a charm each time .
I also love the pain be gone . I have horrible spasms and I can say this stuff helps a lot . Last but not least the oil of oragano drops in my coffee . I believe has kept me from catching every bug know to man kind in todays world .
I won’t be caught with out any of these tools In my tool box again . Thanks Christy

Two applications of “Sweet Days Ease” and an embarrassing skin lesion is GONE! Serious medicine right here — and the scent is divine, ethereal, heavenly, intoxicating in the most amazing way…When I share Sweet Days Ease with folks, I’ve been asked “Does she make cologne/perfume?” Why even bother? It’s medicine that makes people turn and say…”Ohhhh!! You smell soooo yummy!!”

I fell asleep under a sunlamp as a teenager. As a result I had a blister on my cheek almost as big as my palm. Now, at 81 I had something unwanted growing on my cheek. As a Mother’s day gift, I received a jar of All Wound Self Heal Balm, from my super smart daughter! Eureka! The growth is almost all gone! The crusty thing on my wrist is on its way off also! My true essence and mother nature have definitely gained my respect!

New customer here and while I haven’t been able to try the products for more than a few days, I just wanted to commend you on your fine and quick service and perfect packaging. I was a little leary ordering cream in these hot temperatures, but you packed them with that fancy bubble wrap and ice pack. To my surprise, it got here in 2 days! Upon opening the package, I smelled the fragrant herbs which was a delight to my senses. Upon opening the heavenly heal cream and sweet days ease, I ended up on cloud nine! I don’t even care if they work, they smell so good! Yet, surprisingly again, even after only 2 nights of applying them I feel and feel I look so much better! My husband told me I was glowing! I can’t wait to see how things look after 30 days, but in the meantime I am impressed and thought you should be commended for your super prompt service and offer to help! Thank you!

Thank you, Christie (Ozark Church of Nature) for all of your wisdom, knowledge and inside knowledge of your healing craft. My cat (7 years of age) was assumable bitten by a copperhead snake. All the signs and symptoms fit.When I noticed he wasn’t doing well, I immediately contacted Christie as I had her All Wound and Pain B Gone creams on hand (I LOVE both by the way and have used quite a bit with as much that happens on my little homestead).She instructed me on how to use it for the bite. After several days he was doing better but not well enough to be moving about. Contacted her again and we added a fee ingredients under her guidance for compression bandages. After 12 days of panic, stress and diligence, Christie’s knowledge 100% paid off as this morning, he is 75% better over night. We drained the wound from a new incision away from the bite and let gravity do the work over night along with a new compression bandage with All Wound on the incision and Pain B Gone around the incision + the few added ingredients.I am of the firm belief that without Christie’s indepth knowledge of plants and herbals, their background and historical uses, I would have lost him. A true healer full of compassion, love and dedication for her passion of healing.You will not find the likes in many others if at all. I HIGHLY recommend Christie for her medicinal creams and her knowledge, even for animals. Don’t be shy. Learn and grow from her. True wisdom she has readily available and the history of use to back it. Her guidance is 1 in a million.
– HB, SC

The Pain Be Gone is an Amazing Aide to combating Rheumatoid Arthritis Flares. I have been using Pain Be gone for 8 Mos. now and it is my Go To Salve for those unexpected Painful Flares.This is a incredibly Medicinal Aide to Sore Joints, and I love the smell of these Formulations. Excellent Product!

First of all, I want to say, if you’re reading this, it’s not a coincidence. Enjoy this beautiful page and make the most out of all the magical things Christie has to offer. I found her about 10 years ago through a random video on Youtube at a time when I was feeling like crap, physically and spiritually and from that moment on, Christie has been nothing but a blessing in my life. She got my attention from the first second I saw her and I don’t think I would have survived all these years without her teachings. She helped me be a better person and enjoy my time on this Earth, trusting myself, trusting nature, trusting that we are all more powerful than we give ourselves credit for. Probably the most important thing that has gotten me through hard times is not giving my power away and that’s something that I owe to Christie and I will forever be grateful for that. She really knows what she’s talking about. Modifilan helped me recover when I was having scary symptoms, the scrub is so nourishing and smells sooo good and the Island Dreams cream is the only thing I put on my skin and it has gone from dull-looking to fresh and glowing. It even helped my cat with some dermatitis she had going on and also on irritated stitches. This page truly is a healing place. Love you Christie!! THANK YOU.
AM, Colombia

This is a follow up on my earlier testimony about Chaste Berry. I have had hot flashes for the last 40 years. I have tried everything for the exception of Christie’s Chaste Berry. My flashes begin to diminish a week or so after starting to take it. Not long after that maybe a month or so. All my flashes are GONE!! I do not suffer with night sweats or flashes during the day any longer. Thank you Christie! You are a Godsend! 🙂

Both the bf and his mom are true believers in pain be gone. Btw, they all work as said, and then some!

I have used a few of Christie’s products and really like them. One of my favorites is heavenly heal due to its effect on a breakout around my chin. Not only did it quickly clear leaving my skin looking smooth but some of the fine lines became less noticeable. Thank you Christie for the quality and love in your products!!!

I’ve been using Island Dreams for 6 weeks. The scar on my face has reduced in size and the texture of my skin has improved.My face was dry with deep lines and now my skin is softer and the lines are too. Oh and a little bit goes a long way. I’m very happy with the product.

“As I compose this testimonial, I am going to make every effort to avoid oft-overused words like “amazing” and “magical” (though they apply) and instead describe Christie Aphrodite’s life-coaching technique (there is no adequate description for what she does) as “Stealth like”. The definition of “stealth” is “The act of moving, proceeding, or acting in a covert way” and I can attest that signing up with Christie is like purchasing anti-virus software for your mind, body and soul. You may think you are playing games or chatting with a friend, but that stealthy Aphrodite software is always working, monitoring, and able to expose damaging thoughts and attitudes that are holding you back in life.My initial exposure to Christie Aphrodite was via her YouTube channel and the stories that she shared were fascinating. Her experiences were so inspiring and had clearly provided her with such exceptional insights and wisdom that I found myself, much to my surprise, attempting to contact her. After a few communications (and a background check, no doubt) Christie graciously agreed to meet me in person. At that time, she was living in a scenic area of Washington state and even though she was not providing life-coaching services (or so I thought), she offered instead to give me a grand tour of the area. I could write a book about that “tour”, but the bottom line is that Christie was indeed still life-coaching…stealthily…and she saw in me what I could not. Many magical (literally) and enlightening events occurred during my “sessions” but let me assure you that it was not all rainbows and unicorns. In fact, I departed Washington state in a huff vowing to never speak to Christie again, but by the time I had driven to Montana I realized that I was only running from myself and my own demons. At that very moment, my life was forever changed. I am still in contact with Christie, and she continues to provide insights and guidance to this very day. I am also greatly benefited by the amazing and incredible healing products that she creates for her website. Thanks to our work together, I have largely given up my need for control and have subsequently allowed love into my life for the first time. That may not sound like much to you, but for me it had been a seemingly insurmountable hurdle. Consequently, I no longer abuse alcohol to relieve myself, albeit briefly, of the crippling need to control. We’re not talking willpower here folks, this is REAL HEALING! I am not sure how many miles I drove during my escape from Washington state to Montana, but that was all the time I needed to realize the value of Christie’s teaching and advice. I promptly called her to apologize and that is when she informed me of what I should have expected to pay for her time and talents. She wasn’t demanding payment. She just wanted me to appreciate the importance of the work that had been accomplished. To acknowledge my understanding, I promptly paid the bill (as a final twist I just so happened to be in Billings MT), and I will always consider it my wisest investment. My one important final word of advice for anybody considering seeking out Christie’s assistance is that you must be serious about healing yourself. Based on my personal experience I can confidently say that she will not be doing the work for you, but instead will be nudging you in the right direction, or if you are stubborn like me, kicking your ass! Ultimately, only YOU can heal YOU! The only other options are to continue along your current path or pay some self-help guru to “promise” to do the work for you.”

I finally had a reason to try PAIN be gone. My lower back was aching from bending and stooping at work. I tried the cream where I could reach. Oh wow, the pain was literally gone. I bent down, twisted, and tested my back, literally no pain. I even went back to work, and I only felt pain where I couldn’t reach to put the cream.

I came to Christie almost a decade ago out of desperation. I thought I was dying! My body was weak and my mind was weaker! I was scared and did not trust western medicine, but I knew I had to do something. I was diagnosed with thyroid Cancer, Hoshimotos, Obesity, HPV, cervical cancer, anxiety, depression, and lupus just to name a few!
I remember being so scared to even pick up the phone with Christie for our first appointment. Fear of the unknown, embarrassment for allowing myself to fall to that point, and all the what if’s. What if there is no help for me, what if I can’t be helped. As a mother of 5 I had to put all of that behind me and go for it! When I got the call for our first appointment I was greeted with the sweetest most compassionate woman I had ever talked to. All of my fear and anxiety instantly left! Finally I had found someone who actually was going to listen to me, and was going to help figure out the core of my disease and not just medicate me. Christie is brutally honest in the most respectful and loving way. She truly wants the best for everyone she helps. I have had my ups and downs throughout the way, but with the help of Christie and her knowledge I was given my life back. In 2012 I could barely hold my head up long enough to do the dishes. I was struggling in every aspect of life. Walking to the bathroom was extremely painful. I was on cholesterol medicine, thyroid medicine, blood pressure medication, steroids, antibiotics, asthma medicine, allergy medicine and God only knows what else. I was living in hell. I was also 330 pounds. My idea of being healthy was drinking diet soda! Currently I am on absolutely ZERO medications! I currently weigh 224 pounds I drink homemade juice daily, use Modifilan and treat my mind and body like a temple. My anxiety and depression are gone, my cholesterol is normal and my blood pressure is absolutely perfect. The knowledge Christie provided me with has been life changing and will be passed down to my children and hopefully generations to come! My children got there mommy back, and I got my life back. I will be forever grateful!

Omg where do I begin! I had gingivitis so bad they wanted to do surgery. Puss pockets and pain so bad I couldn’t even drink without crying. Gum drops seriously healed my entire mouth. Consistency was they key. Gum drops twice a day and brushing after with baking soda. In 6 months my gums were clear of all puss and swelling, almost 9months no blood or signs of gingivitis. From no cure to gone! Now I use gum drops about 4 times a week. I’ve had perfect gums for almost 6 months. I’m going to try and get my paperwork from the dentist for you. He was absolutely shocked! Mr. Fluoride himself had nothing to say haha!

Wow! I have been using Cafe Mocha in the morning and Island dream at night for about a week. I was commenting to my flatmate about the noticeable improvement in my face to which he agreed and added that a small scar I have on my face is diminishing also. I’ve neglected my skin for over a decade while recovering from PTSDC and I was saddened by how much the process had aged me.I am amazed at the results so far. Christie took great effort to ensure they were securely posted to me in Australia. In my experience these products are food for the skin. Nourishing from the first application. I highly recommend these first class, natural products offered by Christie at My True Essence. You will NOT be Disappointed.Worth every penny.
MD, Aus

Most of my life I have been searching for a healthy way of life. I’ve done just about everything including a couple of holistic doctors. One mixed up herbal potions that cost me $300 or $400 every month. my sister told me to watch Christie’s juicing video. When I saw that and learned I did not have to juice every single day, I started. She says make enough for 2 or 3 days. Isn’t that better than not juicing at all. I started feeling good. I started going through her videos and researching. Baby steps, adding and taking away things. I am 61 years old and I feel like I am 30. I feel whole. Mind, body and spirit. It is a way of life. I never thought I would be crawling around my yard for weeds to make a salad. It is delicious, fun and exciting. If you have found her, you have found gold! I consider Christie my friend and sister. She is truly one of a kind. She gave me the gift of knowledge for a healthy life.

“Hi Christie!!! I got my Hikers peak! omg thank you so much!!! I will start using it immediately. I have been using your new one on my foot night and day and I dont want to jump the gun…BUT MY FUCKING FOOT LOOKS BETTER THAN IT HAS IN 15 YEARS!! I am looking forward to posting a before and after photo soon!! You are going to die when you see the difference in my foot girl! You are the best. Keep doing doing all of the wonderful things you do:)”

This was used on my granddaughter’s back as she started to get stretch marks. After about 2 months of applying just a few times per week (not daily!) 2-3 times a week and these are the before and after photos using Island Dream Cream


I received the wonderful creams, lotions and essentials oils that I ordered from you and also the free samples! Thank you so much!!! They are literally the best products I’ve ever purchased! The smell!!!!!!!! I want to die with that smell!!! Its the best smell on the planet!!! All of them have the best smell!! (wait, I already said that 10x) I used one of them on a horrificly painful bee sting and it took the pain away in an instant!! I put them on even if I dont need them, just to smell good!! They are truly magical! You are amazing!!! I hope you never stop making them because if you do, I wont be able to go on! 😀
I know I’m dramatic but I’m serious!! Thank you Christie, for all you do! You have a beautiful soul and the potions you make show it! Your healing energy is in all of them! I literally cannot thank you enough!!!!
🙂 <3 🙂

I’ve always used oil’s. I’ve never really noticed a difference until I started using Christie’s on mytrueessence.net. What a difference, they truly work! I can not say enough about them. See for yourself.

Everything! Island dreams took my daughters dry patches and bald spots out of her scalp Not only did her scalp heel but her hair grew! Heavenly heal all cream feels amazing on my skin, The sacred ceremonial blend took all the mucus out of my lungs and is allowing me to breathe better! There are so many products and all are made of the top quality ingredients. The ingredients are so pure that you could eat them! Not only are the products good for every day use they are medicinal and will better your life!!! I’m so grateful

With two cracked ribs and my spine out of whack from those, this stuff (Pain Be Gone Dream Cream) is keeping me on my feet every day with no crash when it’s time to reapply.

I had been battling a number of skin issues, including a recurring precancerous spot. It had been cut, frozen, and was still there. Within 45 days this oil blend healed the prior damage and is clearing the spot completely.
Overall, my skin tone has evened out, feels and looks visibly healthier, and has helped tremendously with signs of aging. I never want to run out of this!! At 44, my skin is better and healthier than it was at 20. Thank you!

~ RC, Texas

All I can say is WOW!!! Let’s talk stinky body odor-I never thought of trying anything other than commercial deodorants with chemicals and all that other junk-until this amazing pit stopper!! It should be called stink away lol I put it through the test of riding around on a hot day in a convertible and mowing my yard and it WORKED!!! And the pain be gone really helped my back pain! I wasn’t too sure since it’s deep inside but it really took the edge off!!! 🤗🤗🤗 Thank you @christieaphrodite for the samples I’m amazed but not surprised they work lol

Having had multiple orthopedic issues over the last few decades, I have used many pills, creams, lotions and potions; the last 2 which seemed to help some were BioFreeze (too toxic), and then Topricin (homeopathic). I have been using the latter for probably 12 years and it works albeit with time and many applications. That said, the “Pain Be Gone” and the “Pain Blaster” blow everything I have ever used completely out of the water in terms of effectiveness. INSTANT and I mean INSTANT relief! I use the rollerball (Pain Be Gone) for headaches and the small joints on my fingers. It can even be placed directly on the scalp without being messy. I use the cream (Pain Blaster) for large areas such as low back, knees, ankles, etc. Yesterday, my husband had the biggest trigger point by the scapula that I have ever seen/felt (usually they are “unseen”); it was the size of an egg with muscle spasm/knot. I applied the Pain Blaster and could feel the knot MELT. Instantly. It was almost surreal how quickly it worked, and my husband, who was in serious pain, was pain-free within less than 10 minutes. Oh, and the smell – not medicinal at all; very pleasant, woodsy and yummy. I’ve never taken a prescription medicine that fixes the problem permanently like these products do. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Strange thing I rub pain be gone on my oldest son. He was fully vaccinated and unfortunately now suffers from extreme allergies/asthma He swears the pain be gone helps. He stole my jar and put it in his baseball bag and uses it before a game/ practice! In fact at 12 I feel he is fully capable of making his own decisions and has replaced his inhaler with this cream. No allergy meds or anything else.

Mmmmm Heavenly Heal All butter. Awwwwmazing!! You know that spot between your eyebrows that gets dry and flaky during seasonal shifting? GONE. Also, my hands are sooo soft. Thank you so much you amazing medicine woman!!
~ AM, Missouri

OMG…I woke up with one of the worst headaches of my life – caffeine deficiency-type only 100x worse..nausea, migraine-ish…I used your Pain Be Gone all over my forehead, temples, back of my neck and within 5 minutes, I wanted to live again. Still feel “flu-ish,” but the relief is like NOTHING I’ve ever used. I knew it was good, but dayum!!! Thank you thank you thank you! <3 <3 <3
Everything I have ever used from “My True Essence” has been of the highest quality and delivers results like no other. I don’t have to worry about toxic ingredients in any of these products, either – which is huge, since so many supposedly healthy products these days are “greenwashed” and are anything no but. No overpowering scents (I am very chemically sensitive), yet everything I’ve used smells divine! The “Pain B Gone” is a lifesaver!
~ SL, Texas

I have to share this! My son had chapped lips to the point of it almost being infection. His lips were swollen and he couldn’t eat. We have been using Island dreams for a week after trying a million over the counter products! As of today it is GONE!!!! This stuff is a miracle for more reasons than one. It smells absolutely A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!!!!!!!

I LOVED the rollerball with coffee added! I used it every single morning until last week when there was none left. I used it as moisturizer all over my face and it kept my face soft AND I was ready to take on my day with some added pep!! Thanks again for it!! I didn’t take pictures because it was more for the energy boosts which I definitely noticed and loved to get my day started!! And the smell was amazing…I love coffee lol

I have/am taking your immune boosting oil blend and it’s the BOMB! Everyone around me got the flu, I did not. It knocked an abscess out of my mouth in 3 days. You’re the shit!

I don’t know the name of the product you sent me Christie, but I love it! The smell is just incredible and my skin feels so soft and hydrated when I use it. I also put it on bruses to help them heal faster, and it works. I also use it just as a perfume because it smells so heavenly! Thank you so much for allowing me to test it! (Sweet Days Ease)
NC, Canada

The Sweet Days Ease is the bomb!! I had a surgical incision that healed in less than 2 months!!
With a stroke and surgery, my energy vibration was pretty low. Modifilan and Immune Revival kept me from catching any little bacteria floating around!!
Christie’s gifts are Divinely inspired!!!!

I have had very dry scaly feet forever and have tried several lotions over the years. After trying the Heavenly Heal, my feet have actually started to become smoother and much less scaly.

Christie has healed my mom’s leg and now she’s getting better with her high blood pressure, diabetes and cholesterol all this was tied together for she had so much poison in her blood from pharma drugs and bad eating habits my mom is getting cleaned out drinking more water than ever and pain free. Thank you Christie we love you and thank you for healing and caring for those who want to be cured.

This stuff (Gum Drops) saved me from gum surgery. My gum tissue is re-growing!!!!! Yes it is possible. My kids love it. They oil pull with this mixed with a little coconut oil every night!!!! I have been doing oil pulling with coconut oil for years but just started using this. This has clove oil, oregano oil, peppermint oil and a few other oils I can’t remember off the top of my head but It’s amazing and I have had so many positive results from it!

It doesn’t get any better than an all natural, amazing scent and real medicine all in one. I’ve tried multiple products and I’ve enjoyed each and every one of them!! Each product literally smells heavenly! My favorite is the chocolate mint. The Heavenly heal is also amazing and lasts a long time!!! The amazing lady behind all the magic is truly an amazing talent. I’m so blessed to have had the opportunity to learn so much from her and these amazing products!!!! Keep up the great work and grab some! They really do work!!!

Christie has helped MANY unselfishly in MANY ways. The biggest has been out outpouring of help on her radio show, also in her loving care in making her essential oils. Showing us all how to successfully grow a HUGE garden. Being strong and how to keep on going when it has not been easy. Christie’s life IS HER TESTIMONIAL. SHE LIVES IT !!

So many wonderful amazing things can be said about Christie…first of all she speaks from her Heart and Soul the TRUTH…She comes from love..and wishes for only true love in return nothing else, she asks for nothing in return but honesty and genuiness and kindess and shared like experiences from those that “LOVE” to follow and learn from her life of hard knocks and beautiful gardens, and raising children and caring for our family’s the way Nature intended us all to live. She tells us we do not have to live in FEAR…While fighting off, like a true Warrior the very beast’s of society that try to intimidate and take away our Simple God given rights to live our lives the way we choose to see fit !!! She is fighting the battle for us all, all by herself honestly, with integrity, no weapons of destruction here…she isn’t slandering, gossiping, stealing, using others materials for a personal gain….SHE GIVES UNCONDITIONALLY…..while struggling to feed and shelter her own self !!! Trying to keep herself busy so she doesn’t have to be reminded of all the evil things that have happened to her and her precious children, god only knows how any one of us would hold up under that kind of hardship…all the while she laughs that beautiful laugh and smiles and loves and shares her wisdom, handcrafts her own Essential Oils, Teas and Tinctures and shares her beautiful garden all season long, showing us how to make juices, sauces, healthy foods so we can all live a healthier life…A sense of humor out of this world…does not push or promote products for her own selfish gain like so many people do on YOUTUBE !!! If you don’t see these things in this beautiful womans heart……how sad of an existance you lead, whoever you are, that shut her down…..SHAME ON YOU !!!!!! I speak for many when I say WE LOVE CHRISTIE to the Moon and Back <3 <3 <3 <3

I was in much need of a body detox at the time I had my first health coaching session with Christie. I was suffering from chronic neck pain along with migraines and extreme fatigue as a result of a car accident many years ago. I had been using pain medication(Vicodin) because it seemed to be my only hope of pain relief.
After the wonderful and uplifting coaching session with Christie, I gained the courage to completely go medication free. I implemented the suggested health plan. I started using Modifilan along with Christie’s ‘Everything Tea’ for detoxing my body. And for my skin I started to use her luxurious hand made ‘Days Ease’ oil, which BTW has the most wonderful soothing scent and is perfect for acne prone skin because it doesn’t clog the pores. It is such a light oil and does not leave the skin looking or feeling oily at all.
A few days into the detox I was feeling not so good because the healthy stuff was pushing toxins out. I then realized I should take a photo just for my personal reference, plus I was curious if I would happen to look any better along with feeling better after my detox. A month into detoxing I snapped another photo in the same spot as to get an accurate comparison. To my utter amazement I was shocked to see how miserable I looked before and how much more refreshed I looked and felt after just a month of using Christie’s products and following her health suggestions for eating healthier foods. All I can say is thank you Christie for being a real example for others that it is possible to get through a bad stretch in life and come out feeling a whole lot better. 🙂
Just a note: When detoxing you feel worse, physically and emotionally, before feeling better because the toxins are releasing in the body. Just keep it up and stay on the plan. The results are worth it. I am medication free now and my pain is mostly gone. Now I can keep up on an exercise program without the chronic pain always getting in the way.~ SH, MN

Christie’s OIL’s are THE SHIT!
I can’t fucking believe the amounts of pure essentials, oils and whatever other magic ingredients she puts in there!
My orgasms and HardOns are bigger and better than ever!!! Makes me want to fuck the UniVerse!!! Loving it!!! ….
oh, shit, wait…wrong testimonial NEVER MIND!
I mean –
“THE BEST EVER….seriously…essential oil mixes I’ve ever come across. Christie manages to put not only the purest of ingredients in her creations – but also something else – an infusion of healing energetics – that REALLY WORK and work on our energetic fields.~ TL, Phoenix, AZ

Christie is one really special lady, I can tell you! In terms of natural health treatments, she has been of enormous help to my family, my pets and me over the years I have known her. Here are just three examples:
i) A serious bout of double pneumonia left me in a bad way just over twenty years ago. The various cocktails of drugs and medicines I had to take in hospital caused great clumps of my hair to fall out and my weight to balloon over the year following my treatment, but I regarded it as the price I had to pay for still being alive. From that moment on, I suffered from bronchitis on a regular basis and, each time, I went to the doctor’s and was given a parade of antibiotics and various other expensive pills to shovel down my gullet. When I went down with bronchitis yet again, just over two years ago, I was afraid of the effect that the prolonged and repeated use of antibiotics were having on my immune system and simply tried to soldier on without taking anything. The bronchitis got worse to the point at which my wife was threatening to frogmarch me to the doctor’s and force me to take the drugs. Christie gave me some advice on using natural methods to combat the problem by massaging the chest with essential oils and smoking mullein (!). I was skeptical, to say the least. Smoking was the last thing I thought somebody with bronchitis should be doing, but I was desperate and figured I had nothing to lose. The following morning, when I woke up, I raced to the bathroom feeling nauseous and started coughing and coughing. I will spare you the details of what came out of my lungs; suffice it to say that I felt much, much better almost immediately and was back to full strength within a couple of days.
ii) Last year my cat started to have problems with his ears. It seemed to be some sort of fungus and some of the fur was falling out. Christie suggested using neem oil (which I then ordered on the internet). The day after the first application, the remaining fur fell out, leaving his ears completely bald! I reported this to Christie, who told me that the neem oil had probably eliminated the diseased hairs and that they would grow back in due course. They did, within a few weeks.
iii) The most amazing case occurred just three weeks ago and involved my dog of 15 years. My wife and I returned home to find the dog staggering around the house as if drunk. She was incapable of standing still and kept crashing into the furniture and spinning around on paralyzed back legs. It seemed to us that she had suffered a stroke. This continued all day. Tearfully, we appealed to Christie for help in the evening. She suggested that, if the problem were neurological, there was little we could do. However, if it were an ear infection, or something similar, there was some hope. She told us to make up a mixture of lemon oil and peppermint oil using olive oil as a carrier, and to use it to massage the dog all over. She also told us to rub some rosemary oil neat into the dog’s ears. We did exactly as she said and went to bed, not daring to hope. We woke up in the morning to the sound of the dog chasing the cat (sporting his luxuriant crop of ear fur) all around the house. We could have cried for joy. I had certainly not expected recovery to be so fast or so complete. I should also add that the dog had been vomiting regularly for some time before the incident and has not, to my knowledge, vomited since.
So, thank you Christie, for everything you do. I am so happy I met you and I praise God for your gifts, talents and evident love of your fellow humans and their four-legged friends.
J.S. Naples, Italy

To Whom it May Concern,
Years ago I was diagnosed with high blood pressure, which at the time I assumed was a correct diagnosis based on modern main stream medicine. I started taking the medicine as any person would, trusting the doctors who said it was what I needed to be “healthy and/or normal”. I quickly realized I did not like the way the medication made me feel, to the point that my “shakes” seemed to be worse. I continued to take the medicine, at times cutting my doses to my discretion in order to help the “shakes”, therefore having extra medication so I didn’t have to see the doctors or medi-quick personnel as often. All the while I had a weird feeling in my gut that I was unsure of and could not credit to anything that I was aware of.
Then I met Christie. The first night I met her she simply said she would like to help me. I have to admit, after being raised by a very Baptist mom and in the middle of the bible belt, I was very skeptical. After knowing her for months I finally gave in and started drinking her tea. Shortly after that I quit taking the doctor prescribed medicine. Within days I noticed my “shakes” were becoming less severe and soon non-existent. The weird feeling in my gut disappeared, though I didn’t notice right away but looking back I haven’t had that feeling in months. I feel better, healthier, and all around stronger. I am now a firm believer in natural health and even more in Christie.
~ DF, Missouri
P.S. Nothing will help a person more than fresh healthy foods (no preservatives and BS stuff you can’t pronounce on labels you may buy at your favorite grocery store).

“One of My True Essence stories goes like this. In Feb of 2011. My Dad’s legs we’re developing open sores and liquidfied bubbles and when they popped water would spew out and it was quite a mess. When I was using bandages and ointments I was able to get the sores to stop spewing water. I just so happened to have some of Christie’s Hikers Peak Oil and without thinking about it. I applied it to the 2 sores and after about a week his skin came back and I haven’t had a problem with it since. The first 2 applications my Dad didn’t notice that I was using the oil. Then when he asked me what was in the blue bottle. I told him that this is gonna heal your legs and he said “Oh ok. Hope it works”. I’m happy to report that his legs haven’t been a problem since. Christie’s Hiker’s Peak Oil I highly recommend it. I personally use it for cuts and scrapes. EnJoy! “

I found out about Christie’s awesome oils and herbal teas while researching a way to heal my recessive gums on YouTube. There she was, explaining about oil pulling and how it was helping her regrow her gums!
I knew about oil pulling’s detox benefits, but had not tried it for myself. By 48 hours, the improvement was such that I knew she had nailed it! Finally, a way to escape the gum graft that was looming ahead, because my gums were in such bad shape (for no particular reason that I know of yet, FYI).
I knew right away she was a natural born healer, that had incarnated for this purpose on Earth to help at this time, that I decided to try an assortment of her products: Pain be Gone, Heavenly Heal All, Sweet Days Ease, Native Intuition, Coffee Mocha cream and the “Everything” tea. EVERYTHING is amazing. I have been searching for years for high vibrationnal, healing, organic, hand-made-with-LOVE products, and this is IT.
3D had become more liveable because of you Christie, and I am so grateful for your work and dedication!
In love, light, peace and health,
JB, (France)PS: all of it was shipped to France and got to me in perfect condition, carefully packaged, in EIGHT DAYS!!!!

Mmmmm.. Venus cream. This is one of my favorite smelling creams. You can’t buy anything like this elsewhere. I was gifted this by Christy in a sample size while purchasing an incense blend, and what a blessing it is. The texture is true to all of the creams I have tied of hers. Smooth and organic. Holds the moisture in your skin for ages. I like to use it when I get out of the shower all over. And as with all of her concoctions, a little bit goes a LONG way. You don’t need much to do your entire body. It’s got a mild scent that awakens a prowess inside of you. Kind of like a power suit in a bottle. Very sensual and exotic. I always feel like a smooth boss when I wear it.

Thanks a lot for tobacco it s amazing I just got it . You have magic -it s changing my smoking experience…
You re the best !~ DI, NY

Thank you so much Christie for the wonderful oils and herbs. I was having a lot of joint pain, headaches, and some stuck energy is my head. I have been using these lovely natural medicines and my symptoms are nearly gone! The joint oil on my knee worked almost immediately. I was having head aches every day and now I might have had two in the last two weeks. I feel more focused with my spiritual practice and not as scatter brained. I am open and that helps to stay more connected. I am over the moon with the quality and care that you have put into these products. I will try and update as I notice other shifts! Things are changing for the better and I look forward to the journey ahead. Much love Christie and natural minded health peeps! May we all learn to heal ourselves!
~ SGF, Michigan

Thank you Christie,
First off I would like to thank Christie for taking the time to speak with me and giving me free advice concerning my health. I have suffered from dis-ease my entire adult life and there are only two supplements I have found ( and I have tried just about everything ) that I will use and the brown sea kelp aka Modifilan is one of them. As with any supplement you have to give it time especially if are as sick as I have been 17+yrs. Initially I noticed that I was sleeping less and still having the same amount of energy . I used to sleep 10 hrs a night and still feel fatigued but now I wake up after 6 hrs of sleep and awake fully alert. I have also noticed that I do not want to eat “unhealthy” food . It is as if my body knows now what is good for me and what is not. I am eating less and still have more energy. I have never had a problem with weight so that is not an issue. But I am not having to stuff my face all day in order to have the energy I need so my body has become a much more efficient machine . As I got healthier I also realized what a toxic relationship I was in and had the strength to terminate that as well. My dis-ease directly affects my circulatory system and by far the most amazing result is that the size of my penis has en creased 3x while flaccid. The only other time this has happened in my life was after yrs. of acupuncture but nothing as dramatic as the effect the modifilan has produced . After talking with Christie I believe it must be a result of the production of new adult stem cells and the increase of circulation to that region of the body. I have also been able to quit taking two out of 3 medications I was on one for anxiety and 1 for chronic back pain . I am only taking one pain med now and I am confident that I will be off all of big pharma’s poison soon. I do not recommend any supplement to anyone unless I have had REAL results . I take a wheat grass supplement and now the modifilan and will continue for the rest of my life. I even stock up on such supplements in case they ever become illegal as they are natural and Big Pharma and the powers that be do not want us having such supplements at our disposal . I am recommending this to anyone anywhere whether you have health problems or not even as a preventive measure. Thank you Christie and the folks at truth brigade radio for your selfless and altruistic nature and especially your compassion .
~ JS, Kansas

“I grew up wearing short pants & shirts during the summer…until I came to Georgia and realized how bad the bugs are here. Zen 4 Men has changed all that…shorts and NO bug bites. It is amazing! Thanks Christie”
~ JA, Georgia

I am enjoying the most sumptuous intoxicating wearable fragrance that Christie made for me. I had a consultation with her for finding a replacement for regular over the counter chemicalized perfume. Ohhhhhhhh you should smell me! Glorious – just exactly what I wanted!!!!! Thank you Christie for sharing your essential oil intuition and giftedness with me. Everything I’ve ever gotten from you has been a supreme blessing. Wonderful!
~ LC, Texas

Again… PainBGone to the rescue! In my sinuses and the upper part of my neck. It surprises me every time I use it! ♥ I love you dear one. ♥
~ AK, Missouri

I have been using all your products for a week now, and I am over the moon with all of them. Seriously. Native intuition really helps me sleep, and my face GLOWS since I have started using “Sweet days ease” (even the name is genius!). I laugh now when I think that I used to buy the Clinique, the regular stuff that they heavily advertise (I even had a subscription to GLAMOUR and COSMOPOLITAN!!!). I have known Christie for almost a year when I started listening to her internet radio show at the end of May 2009. I called into her show to ask for some health advice which was the topic of the evening, as it is most evenings. She asked if she could call me after the show and I said yes. Christie called me at my home after the show to go over the health information in more detail and sent me at least a dozen links to look up the information myself. This woman went far above and beyond to help me, a complete stranger at that time, with improving my health. She continued to send me information, call and send personal emails to check on my progress. She’s one of the most giving, loving, and kindest individuals I have ever known.
She helped me get over my 5 year bout with pancreatic and colon cancer that spread throughout my body. I was almost hopeless as I had tried everything I knew, but there was something about her voice when I heard her on the radio that made me call in. 4 months later I was completely cancer free. And Christie helped me get there. Several months after that, I completely regained my eyesight, 20/20 vision after wearing glasses the past 25 years!
What she has taught me and done for me, I will never forget!
Her oils are the greatest and they have replaced all my damaging cosmetics. My skin has that glow back that I haven’t had since my teens! Her teas are wonderful and her smoke blends are not only medicinal, but lovely tasting, relaxing and smooth!
What a Blessing She has been!
Very Sincerely,
~ JS, Ohio

greetings wise one. just wanted to let you know that ‘zen for men’ is kick-ass. going out again soon to garden, last time not one bug bite! ps..pretty good on toast too.
~ JA, Georgia

From the biggest skeptic on the planet…..this site is for REAL! Christie is on-track with the latest knowledge in the oldest healing art historically. You do not have to believe, but check the science of the results….don’t take my word for it. TRY it………

I would like to share my experience with Pain-Be-Gone oil….I had been suffering with a condition called Plantar Fasciitis, the tendon on the bottom of the foot gets inflamed, and is extremely painful. I had been suffering for months, having tried Tiger Balm and an assortment of crèmes. There is really no cure but time and rest. Meanwhile walking is very difficult. My granddaughter gave me a small bottle of oil and asked me to try it. The first application gave me relief! I applied the oil twice daily and within one week was walking without any pain. Moreover, the excruciating pain has not returned, after 3 months. This little miracle also works on swollen sinuses and earaches. I tried it on both. My medicine cabinet cannot be without PAIN-BE-GONE.
~ SK, Missouri

I would like to say that I have tried many essential oils but Christies are heaven scent, I am sold and will never buy another oil but from her. I love my refreshing mist and my relaxing oil… Thank you Its Magic…
~ LW, Washington

On a Monday while at work, my upper back left tooth began to hurt terribly, by that evening when i got home the whole side of my face was swollen. Chrisitie gave me 2 oils to put on my gums, and starting Tuesday morning I drank lots of her herbal tea to cleanse my body of the infection. I stayed in bed the entire day, but the swelling went down. By Thursday my pain was gone and the swelling was unnoticeable.
~ DF, Missouri

Christie, thank you so much for your healing herbal oils. They really made a huge difference in the quality of my skin. The herbal bug repellent works amazing as well. Mosquitoes will have nothing to do with me while I am wearing it and I am in tropical Thailand where the monster mosquitoes are carriers of some nasty diseases. Thank you!!!! ♥
~ AD, Thailand

Hi ,Christie , I want to pay the full price for todays consultation . You spent more than two hours with me and you gave me so much good stuff , information , tips ,recipies ,….
Please , let me pay another $30 and I also would like to order a personalize tea from you ! I wish more people will ask for healing/coaching with you , because it is wonderful , it’s the real deal ! You truely help people , because you truely love people ! I really appreciate you ! Thank you !~ PG, Illinois

You need to check this out!!! What a beautiful gifted soul she is that shares her gifts openly. I had some tendon strain in my left elbow a blend of essential oils I got from her eased the discomfort considerably. But don’t go with that………..check out some more amazing testimonials on this page!! YOU ROCK CHRISTIE!!!!!
~ DK, Missouri

My True Essence story begins in Aug of 2009. I was dealing with debilitating migraines for 10 yrs. Christie turned me on to peppermint oil and after awhile the migraines started to lessen a-lot. Along with some fine management techniques from Christie they have improved. Although every once in awhile they come back. I can say with great confidence that Christie can help anyone with almost any malady. I say give it a shot its only your life that your saving. In closing I am eternally grateful to Christie and her doggy Snickers for the vast improvement in me. xoxoxo! = ]
~ CH, Arizona

The ONLY oils I’ve used for 3 years are ‘My True Essence’ – for everything….deodorant, healing, keeping bugs off etc…and she customizes oils!…
~ TL, Arizona

Hey Christie…I had some weird mole or wart thingy on the back of my shoulder that showed up over the winter. When I discovered it I was like shit what the hell is this???? A fleeting moment of fear passed through me wondering if it was skin cancer. But I was feeling like it was some sort of warty thingy. I decided right there that it was not welcome on my body. I decided to put some of that cream of yours (Heavenly Heal All) on it and see what it would do. I put my hand on it to and visualized it gone. I kid you not…..within a week it was like a crusty scab that just came off in a few days after that.

One thing I have noticed about the Modifilan is that I have a feeling of “Well Being” that I have never had for a long, long, time. Have others experienced that??? The energy is up also.
It seems like the pain and STIFFNESS in my spine is easing a bit more each day. I think that in a week or so you should send me another bottle of the Modifilan it really seems to work in many ways.
I also have several doctors that are in complete amazement that the Liberty survivors have survived. Being the man in charge in body recovery puts me in a position to really declare your healthy ways to be a success. I can’t imagine the drain that was put on this body during those times.
Today was a day of two things I had to accomplish. I actually accomplished them plus three more. That is not me,
it just isn’t and I still got some fuel.
This is amazing.
Thanks and this is only a little over a week of taking this. Somtimes words just don’t do it, and I have tried so many things.

I’ve been drinking Christie’s ‘Everything’ tea for about 3 weeks now. It is absolutely delicious. I was originally getting it to help detox my system and thought it would be some unusually tasting tea for the purpose of detox. OMG…it is so delicious I was actually able to get off of coffee that I have been drinking every morning for the past 30 years. I was never able to get rid of my coffee craving until I drank Christie’s tea. Now I have that every morning with a piece of squeezed lemon or lime and a bit of honey. Yum.
I have been taking Modifilan to help with various issues. My mom has been taking it too. She has had chronic sinus issues for many years now. After a month of taking Modifilan she said she has been able to finally breath through her nose upon awakening in the morning. She also had been drinking Christie’s ‘Everything’ tea which she feels is helping clear her sinuses too. She keeps telling me how wonderful it is to finally be able to have clear sinuses.

Got the stuff today. I am interested in the very fact that the tea seemed to give me a relaxing effect about 15 minutes after drinking. I felt relaxed and stretched out just like a cat. This
may be very good before I go to bed. This is sort of what I have been looking for because I don’t like taking medicine.
New thing I noticed today. New for me, but probably not for you. I developed a taste for cucumbers.
Seven of them all at one sittting, they are the minatures of course. Acutally have a desire for water that was never there before.
This is a guarded thing I say, but what it going on here approaches the aspect of being amazing!
BTW no wonder some people are skeptical about this stuff. You are talkng sort of a parallel to the Fountain of Youth. Now I am not going to make any brash statements but if this stuff was involved then there may have been one.
I once published an article called “Words are never enough”, and it dealt with the USS Liberty issue and the absolute miracles that happened that day.
If the truth ever gets out to the public enough that it is overwhelming and it becomes a maojority in this country then these people are what I would call, “Dead in the Water”. Don’t think for a moment they don’t fear that. I said a long time ago they should have done their job correctly when they attacked the Liberty. They didn’t and this is the result. So consequently “Words just are never enough”. So far I would say that Modifilan might just be a part of all this. I am elated and amazed each and every day. Kind of makes one look forward to the new day and not
wish it was their last at times.
God Bless you for showing me this!
~ RK, Wyoming

The herbal oil I got from you, Christie, has worked wonders for my sinus’s and ears. It seems to have an anti-bacterial quality to it that has completely cleared up my minor infections in just 2 days. I really can’t say enough about it. It smells wonderful, to boot. Because of that, and because it is an all-natural, herbal product, I decided to try it on my face and neck, and what a surprise. It gives a youthful glow to my skin that I can’t find in any of the chemicalized products that are being sold on the market today.
I plan on having a supply of this wonderful all-purpose healing oil on hand at all times.
Thanks Christie
~ CM, California

I received some special, made-to-order essential oil from, My True Essence, and it helped a real lot with my skin ailments and it even helps with any swelling that I have anywhere on my body. I like to use it on my feet at the end of a hard day. I recenty found out that it also has anti-biotic and anti-fungal qualities to it, which explains a lot. I didn’t even know that when I used it but sure enough, it perked up my feet in every which-way. Since it’s an all-purpose oil, I also mix a few drops with a base oil and use it on my skin, or even in my bath. It’s the best essential oil I have ever used and I’ll swear to it.
~ TR, Oregon

I just received a personal mix of essential oils from Christie, she made it just for me. Even though we’ve never met, and never spoke about what fragrances I like, or dislike. We just spoke about personal feelings and ideas. I love it. And would recommend everyone ask for a personal reading and buy a mix of oils. I rarely recommend anything. This is amazing though and I hope you give some of Christie’s oils a try. Well worth the money.
Thanks again Christie, all my love………..
~ TK, Canada

I had two surgeries on my knee and one on my ankle. For a while my Knee felt like the bones where grinding on themselves every time I walked. After one application of Christie’s Emu oil pain mix it made my knee loose and comfortable to walk. The Pain in my ankle and heel just went away. My leg feels great. With my knee however I didn’t notice the pain was gone till the second time I used it and was walking around my neighborhood and realized my knee was comfortable and loose moving fluidity.
~ LB, NY

I have 2 of Christie’s blends..and I LOVE them…I have been working on releasing past life trauma as well as meditating on “This life’s Journey” and the oils she made for me have been HEAVEN…
Thanks Christie
~ KJ, Arizona

The Hikers Peak Oil (aka Bug Oil) is fantastic. It’s just plain works.
~ BN, Ohio

You have helped so many and have touched so many lives and you do it because you believe in what you do you dont do it for fame or greed and you have helped me when I needed a place to stay you opened your home to me when I needed some clothes you gave them to me and I am so thankful to you
~ KF

You helped me in a miraculous way lat spring. I wass showing symptoms of shingles starting. I sent you a private fb message, and busy as you are, you responded with a formula, which I promptly created and drank and three days later the skin condition keft with no recurrence. Awesome!

Christie suggested certain blends of essential for the Shingles outbreak I just recently had and not surprisingly it worked like magic….so in the words of Ghost Busters “Who Ya Gonna Call” hmmm not the doctor thats for damn sure (:

Christie is a Queen, a Warrior and a ‘True Essence’ Woman – who has the Courage to openly show her Human Journey, to help give of HerSelf and Truth to all who have come her way. I wish for her that she be able to Receive the Love of God Source back from the Universe – she deserves it….oh, yeah – and the ONLY essential oils that I trust to put on my body are hers from ‘My True Essence’…I’m going to need some more soon! 🙂

Dear Christie,
You are the Truth-in-a-tor! You have incredible boldness and passion. I bless your new show!
Wayne loves the oil for pain!!!!! He is swearing by it!!!!! We are actively transforming these pain symptoms from the inside out – and in addition, it helps to have the oil to massage into his shoulders.
I have a little bit left of your superb treat. I’m conserving it! I’ve never had anything so rich and decadent!
~ LL, Texas

I highly recommend the herbal, smoking blend that, My True Essence, puts out. It’s a great way to cut down or even quit smoking tobacco. They even sell organic, home-grown tobacco that is far safer then the processed tobacco, if you don’t wish to quit. I like to blend both the tobacco and the herbal blend together. I definitely feel healthier and I kid you not, my heart sings when I smoke the herbal blend. You have to try it.
~ KM, California

I LOVE THE OIL! Please make me a pint of it with the recipe of essential oils you used. This scent seems to reach the inner core of something somewhere in me. I had no idea patchouli is used as an insect repellant. I’ve always loved it.
Thank you,
~ JJ, IL

I got online tonight to tell you I GOT THE OILS TODAY! I love them all! Upon opening the package, I put them all on! I looked like a little kid on Christmas morning. HA! I put the apricot on first then the patchouli on one arm and the floral scent on the other arm. They smell delightful! I think my absolute favorite addiction is still the cinnamon-clove, but I got that one first and got hooked on it right away! You are truly gifted with the blending! Tonight, while watching a movie, I slathered on the patchouli. Have a great weekend and many, many blessings!
Love ya
~ JS, Ohio

I have so much to tell you..but for right now…Love the “Special smoke”…what is it exactly…..cuz ” I think I love you”
love the oil…still sitting with the “Notes”I lost track of time..was cooking dinner..enjoying the “Love” u sent us…healing going on with is dad after smoking..pretty awesome I am expanded…I laughed allot last night..
I bathed again today….used the oil…feeling like I can breathe a little deeper….getting through some deep energy stored in my base chakra……
Last night after I put the oil on..I felt an openess in my relationship I had not been able to feel…Trauma always seemed to get in the way before….I felt a protective energy fill me last night….it allowed me to be present and not affraid of someone attacking me..
Thank You Christie
~ KB, Arizona

I can’t say enough about Christie’s essential oil that I got from, My True Essence. It’s a miracle. After a brief consultation, Christie whipped me up something special with regards to my client’s special needs. I wanted to use the oil with my clients to adjust their moods, as I am a professional crisis consultant. It worked almost instantaneously, lifting their moods and my mood as well. Some of my clients are very depressed and I have to say that it had a very beneficial effect. I would highly recommend the services of, My True Essence. Anyone who works with emotionally troubled people, or who are emotionally troubled themselves, needs to check these oils out.

the pain vanished but I think your oil did something else. There was a blister inside and it helped the dead skin to disolve or weaken so I could get to the blister buried way down and clear and clean it out. I also burned my hand (very minor) with a propane torch and it soothed the burn so the next day no pain when I woke up. Sort of like a Cucumber would do but it looks like it’s healing already! Good stuff! there’s more to that one I’m looking for now
~ SR, Ohio

Christie, I figured I would tell you as you know about spiritual connections and this statment has no means a connection with a “Ghost” but someone who I admired greatly who aledgidly died from prescription drugs which were to help with her arthritis but instead did her in at 54.. Well I fell asleep after smoking a mint cigarette and I had the most vivid dream I can ever recall having possibly because I was so relaxed.. I was able to tell her how much I appreciated her and she smiled and gave me a hug which was strangely real and vanashed…
I believe in the spiritual connections but most people would laugh at that but it was very nice and like it really happened..
Come to think about it Native Americans tell of similar experiences so I dont think they would waste away their lives believing in these spirits if they didnt run into that all the time..
So thanks for that tobacco.. God gave us these things for a reason.. You too are certainly someone channeled in this path I believe..
~ CC, South Dakota

your Emu oil mix had its chance to shine! I am struck with a painful head cold first time in years (maybe the flu) and all the pressure and conjestion in my sinus area was quickly relieved by rubbing the mix around the nose, temple and scalp areas. I did add a little peppermint oil but the pain went away temporarly minutes after using!! I’m applying my 2nd application now
~ SN, California

The tobacco is smooth and flavorful. You are a blending magician!
It helped me to have a very peaceful sleep, which is major!
Thank you!
~ RN, Montana

Per my wife the ointment also fixed or is improving 20 years of her heal being like a rock. 20 years of her life they didnt have very good shoes in Siberia and the Emu Oil is helping. She’s very happy about this!
~ TM, Wisconsin

I just received the Herbal Blend and find it to be very pleasant both in its flavor and the effects it has on my body, mind and soul. It does provide just a little separation from the pressures that life brings and I understand that there are many other wonderful healthy side effects. Isn’t Nature wonderful and so generous; thank you Christie for all that you do, for the information you bring us and the products you make available to those who are discovering the truth about the world we live in.
~ RD, Missouri