I am heart broken to announce (7/11/24) I will have to be closing this site. It will remain here for reference and years of reviews and testimonials and info, but since it won’t take orders here anymore, I’ve had to switch to a new platform that should be hack free!! Come check it out at https://naturehealsall.square.site/ and if you have any questions or if I can help in any way, please feel free to contact me at OzarksChurchofNature@gmail.com. Thank you so much for the support and sorry for all the confusion and delays. <3

Thank you so much for being here! Please be patient with us as the site changes. The store is functioning with most of the products that are available right now. Almost everything on here will change soon!!! So enjoy the chaos while it’s here! hahahaha 🙂 I’m still not a web person. Please continue to check back as we add more products to the site. 🙂

Now about the products, while I purchase already certified organic products, I myself am not certified, so I am not able to claim that on my labels. However if you would like to see for sure, send me an email and I will show you any of the products I am working with, the bottle or receipt so you can rest assured I am buying all pure, organic and fair trade, ethically produced worldwide sourced materials. Also, there may be some variations in the products occasionally due to different batches of oils coming from different suppliers. And as of 2020, we are growing most of the herbs ourselves at the Ozarks Church of Nature and Magical Food Forest located in NorthWest Arkansas. Every single thing harvested here is FRESH and perfect. One stalk or leaf or bud harvested at a time, with THANKS given on each snip. All plant matter has been inspected before even bringing them in to process so you can be sure the quality of any herb harvested here is unmatched. See for yourself here. My herbs vs others herbs look like totally different products.

We have also added our own line of essential oils, infused oils and extracts in 2021, and re introduced some of our bath and body products from last decade. 🙂

Everything is made in small batches and while this can help control quality and freshness, we do sometimes run out of products. Also, since I am now settled and able to cultivate and grow most of my own herbs, the recipes will change slightly as they are replaced with my fresh infused oils. I will add them to the website and labels as soon as these changes are made available. I can only harvest so much of something so it is possible that I run out of certain products during certain times of the year.

I would also like to make note that IF it comes times where certain products are unavailable, as has been during much of 2020, I will substitute a comparable oil and will change it on the ingredients listed on the site. So be sure to check the ingredients every time before you order, just in case your product has changed. I will also make a note of it on the product itself so there are no surprises. 🙂 And, as I’m writing this in April 2021, prices have increased a tremendous amount since the prices were made here, so unfortunately soon, I will have to raise them a little to reflect the increased costs I’ve had to pay. One thing I will NOT ever do is compromise quality. I love being the first I know to make medicine gentle that you can pamper yourself with. As of April 2022, I have not experienced lack of availability on the products I currently outsource.

During the hot months, all orders with temperature sensitive ingredients like creams will be sent with a non toxic and reusable cool gel pack in a mylar bubble wrap pack to ensure it arrives to you in the condition it was sent. All orders are sent priority, which is normally 2 days. I send all orders same or next day, excluding weekends so you can be sure you will receive your product fresh and quick.

Take a look around and please be sure to let me know of any problems you might encounter while here. And if you have any questions I can answer, please use the contact form.

And please don’t forget to read the VERY LARGE FINE PRINT below!!! 🙂

I am looking forward to serving you again fully, SOON!

Blessings and Love,

Christie Aphrodite

What you must know before continuing on this site:

First the “fine” print.

None of these statements made on this website have been evaluated by the FDA or any other agency that presides over public health and safety. 

I would also caution to check with your medical professional before using any essential oil.  If you are taking pills for a medical condition, I would advise against using any essential oil until fully investigated and cleared by your doctor as many medications WILL interact negatively with essential oils. Any statements made here are not intended as medical advice and I would hope you would cross check any information found on this website or any other health related website.

While My True Essence does their best to ensure the most ethically sourced and PURE products available, we cannot guarantee their safety for you and your individual health.  While essential oils can and have helped many people, there may be some people that they do not agree with.  By ordering anything from this site, you acknowledge that you have read this disclaimer and agree that you will use these products responsibly.  Always test product on the back of your hand or arm to see how you react before using on other parts of your body or ingesting.

By ordering anything from this website, I certify I have read and accept all risks that may be associated with inappropriate and irresponsible or even recommended use of these products.  I agree to not use them for anything other than what is described and if I do, I will not hold My True Essence, Nature Heals All, Christie Aphrodite or anyone associated with this website liable for any harm.
All Essential Oil use is at your own risk and please educate yourself before trying anything new.  

Why My True Essence?

My mission is Simple. I love Nature and know that We are capable of healing almost anything that comes our way. No matter what the medical field and mainstream tells us, our bodies are amazing, complex and capable machines designed to heal itself when given the proper fuel. 

We care deeply about self empowerment, gained by healing with Mother Nature. Our lives and businesses support a toxin free life style, and with that we have committed to work towards a sustainable future for all life forms by the avoidance of wasteful packaging, toxic chemicals, and other harmful materials. In doing so, we create superior products sourced mainly from small elite producers of top quality oils and other base ingredients. 

We are proud to support small businesses and source from those who care as deeply as we do about quality as well as the impact we all have on our earth.

We are here to teach others how to regain true health through nature, rid themselves of the toxins prescribed to fix one problem but that in turn create many more problems, and to teach others to empower themselves and those around them by sharing knowledge that has been gained over many years of intensive research and has proven itself superior to pharmaceuticals and the medical field whose main goal is to have continued customers.  We also believe that real healing requires dedication to reconnecting to our Source, Nature and healing the roots of the problems which seemingly always stem from suppressed trauma.

Many cures throughout our history have been suppressed, as healing is rarely the goal of mainstream medicine and we would like to bring light to the fact that you do have the Power to improve your health and our Future! Once you gain knowledge, you regain power over your own health, the most priceless commodity we each can have.  And we intend to bring all of our discoveries to you!

In doing so we are able to change the very world we live in a bit at a time. 

About our Products

Thus far, all products have been created by Christie Aphrodite due to her own needs in her healing process. So WE KNOW THEY WORK as she was the guinea pig on everything for years before she ever thought she should turn it into a business. 🙂

We offer an array of ethically sourced, organic and edible essential oil products for a variety of uses. All bases are of the same quality and standard. Unlike most offered in a 3-10% dilution, our healing oils start at a 10-45% dilution, which required use in much smaller amounts with far more significant results.  This also applies to the Dream Creams, which are highly concentrated herbal concoctions. Please keep this in mind when using them. A little goes a long way!

Check out some of these photos that show some of the amazing powers of our products! (right click to enlarge)

Each oil is selected individually for its properties and sourced from the highest quality producer I can find. Unlike many who bargain shop and order bulk from just one company, we refuse to compromise the quality of any ingredient which has resulted in a superior product on every level. Most of the products have lists of links that were found at the government health database found at pubmed.gov that show the peer reviewed scientific research that has already been proven with the ingredients we use. Our products don’t just smell good!

Each blend has been fine tuned over years by their creator, Christie Aphrodite, to produce the most effective result of any available product ever tested by us or anyone we have encountered. 

We do not compromise quality at any point in production from sourcing, blending, and packaging in the most user and environmentally friendly product.  And due to the purity of products without additional preservatives (essential oils and herbs contain their own natural preservatives), for best results Dream Creams should be used within 6 months, or refrigerated for best results in warm climates.

Testimonials from over a decade show consistent results in others, and in the creator of this line. 

Her personal testimony includes public healing from diseases considered by doctors to be incurable.  You can read more about that here.

The consistent quality is unmatched and priced competitively for this quality.  Many clients say they have used 100 to 400 dollar half ounce skin creams and never received the results they have with ours! And because there are no fillers, water, or air bubbles, they are highly dense and concentrated and are known to last a year or more with regular use on targeted spots.

The product creator also offers top rate customer service and engagement with clients, as well as offering personal health coaching sessions and a youtube channel with many health related topics already addressed there that could help you in your healing Journey!

If you have begun to seek other answers, and believe there is more hope and potential for healing than what you are being led to believe, you are in the right place. Whatever led you here is leading you back to hope, health, and regaining your power over your wellness and life. 

Thank you for being here. We look forward to being able to serve you!