GoldenRod Extract


6 in stock


1 oz. Dropper Bottle

GoldenRod has traditionally been used as a diuretic, arthritis, joint pain, gout, inflammation, weight loss and management, kidney health for humans and in cats, skin conditions like eczema, and there are some studies that say it might be beneficial in fighting cancer.


Please consult with your medical professional before beginning any herbal regimen and always use caution while pregnant.


Enjoy some peer reviewed studies to help you learn more of the benefits of GoldenRod.


Goldenrod–a classical exponent in the urological phytotherapy].

Solidagenone from Solidago chilensis Meyen inhibits skin inflammation in experimental models

The Multicomponent, Multitarget Therapy SUC in Cats with Chronic Kidney Disease: A Multicenter, Prospective, Observational, Nonrandomized Cohort Study

Blocking negative effects of senescence in human skin fibroblasts with a plant extract


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