Original Post, If I Had Cancer…or Anything Else January 18, 2020
I am often asked by people how they can heal their cancer, autoimmune, or….and the real answer is simple. I intended this video to be about what I would do if I was diagnosed with cancer again, but the truth is, all healing is the same. Cancer just means you ignored yourself longer than the person who only has irritable bowel syndrome.
All dis ease has the same cause, therefore the same cure. This is good news if you are on the path to self healing. I know we want to feel our disease is special, but the truth is we became attached to an identity based on an illusion we don’t even know exists.
There is not one person who cannot benefit by being more mindful with all aspects of their life, because they all result in your physical health. You cannot heave a healthy mind and a sick body.
I might have veered off on a few tangents here, but they are all tied together and equally important in understanding all you need to know to take your power back. More important than nutrition information is the fact that you DO HAVE THE POWER TO HELP YOURSELF!!! The Key is in KNOWING, BELIEVING and DOING!!!
Any step forward you make will make a difference. Do not settle, or own any diagnosis. Look beyond the surface to what caused it in the first place, without wasting time hating on the entity that you think caused it.
What if these challenges were designed for YOU to TEACH you that you had the power all along?
You can let it break you, or you can use it to MAKE you!!!
I would love to hear more success stories of people healing themselves! What about you? Do you have a story to share? What worked for you?
We all have a story to tell and even if you are just starting on your path to healing, this is just the beginning of your chapter.
Nothing about me is more special than you and no one gave me some special ability to do more for myself. Remember that the next time you say “I can’t.” Because I KNOW you’re got this!
Blessing and Love,
Christie Aphrodite
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